Bonus Episode: Interview with Reyn Guyer – Inventor of NERF & Twister
We are very excited to have a special guest with us on Latch-Key Dads. Our guest has some massive inventions on his resumé including the creation of Twister and the original NERF ball. Today we welcome, Reyn Guyer. Reyn shares some amazing stories. Did you know that Twister was on the verge of getting dropped if not for a last ditch marketing plan that landed Twister on late night TV with Johnny Carson and Eva Gabor? Their televised game of Twister launched it onto the scene and helped Twister become the game of the year. In addition to creating some of the greatest toys from our childhood, Reyn continues to create and his current project is a collection of stories and songs for children called My Friend Wren. Learn all about Reyn and his creations in this special bonus episode of Latch-Key Dads.
Check out this episode’s image gallery below!

Latch-Key Dads – Original Nerf Prototype

Latch-Key Dads – Johnny Carson and Eva Gabor Playing Twister